Stand-Out With Brand New & Inspiring Food & Drink Insights For Sustainability-Focused, Commercially-Successful & Consumer-Driven Product Strategies & Innovations
Sustainability Ingredients: Taste & Texture
Plant-Based & Meat-Alternatives
Hot Product Trends & Innovations
Sustainable Packaging
Product Development Success
Tackle Cost Challenges & Complexity
Health, Wellbeing & Clean Label
Consumer Trends & Shopper Behaviours
International Tastes & Trends
Beverages: Trends & Innovations
Snacking & Convenience
Registration, Informal Networking & GIC Opening Remarks
08.30 Registration, Informal Networking & GIC Opening Remarks
Morning Co-Chairs' | Opening Remarks
Kasia Grzybowska, Regional Sustainability Manager & Assistant Vice President, Nestlé
Oliver Baggaley, Director Digital Strategy & e-Commerce, Ahold Delhaize
Sustainability | Panel & Q&A
09.20 Harness The Latest Food & Beverage Green & Sustainability Trends To Authentically Boost Brand Image, Mitigate Greenwashing, Exceed Evolving Consumer Demands & Drive Sales
- Sustainability isn’t just about packaging and plastic! Determine how to build a cost-effective, transparent, and lucrative sustainability model from concept to launch.
- Environmental scoring and the Digital Product Passport: examine the new standards and practices in order to reduce misleading green claims and profit from authentic claims about the full life cycle of your products for improved customer confidence
- Critical consumer insights! Discuss and debate the price point for sustainable initiatives… are your consumers willing to pay a premium?
- Natural, organic and local… how can you boost brand image and meet the increasingly health and climate-conscious consumer expectations?
Kasia Grzybowska, Regional Sustainability Manager & Assistant Vice President, Nestlé
Dr. Oliver Sperber, Global R&D Director, Carl Kühne KG (GmbH & Co.)
Lejla Dautović, Director of Research Development & Innovation, Atlantic Grupa
Felipe Lima, Strategy Director BU Beef, Vion Food Group
Coralie Perrin, Sustainability Taste Lead, Kerry
Plant-Based & Meat Alternatives | Double Perspective
10.00 Market-Leading Plant-Powered Product Innovation! Capitalise On The Sky-High Demand For Plant-Based & Meat Alternatives With On-Trend Product Delivery Guaranteed To Stimulate Consumer Interest & Deliver Unapologetic Market Success
- Unlock the untapped health benefits, consumer popularity and indulgent taste sensations of plant-based and meat alternatives by deciphering the key drivers behind the continued surge and translating insights to create products certain to fly off the shelves
- Determine the product innovations here to stay! Which plant-based, meat and dairy alternatives will reward in the short and long-term?
- From vegetable protein to innovations around hybrid-fats, salt-based, cultivated meat and precision fermentation, how mature and ready are we to satisfy meat-free and flexitarian consumers with the replacements on offer?
- Discover the latest plant proteins heading to market to elevate your new product launches and influence profit
10.00 Christian Rößle, Head of R&D, Berief Food GmbH
10.20 Fabio Beninati, Product Innovation Leader, Amadori
Presentation By Exclusive Conference Partner, Visualfabriq
10.40 Daniëlle Van Der Ende, Product Marketing Director, Visualfabriq
10.55 Morning Refreshment Break With Informal Networking.
Hot Product Trends & Innovations - Panel & Q&A
11.25 Cut through the noise! Monetize Brand New & Inspiring Food & Drink Trends & Innovations To Power Commercially-Successful, Pioneering & Trend-Driven Products which fly off the shelves.
- Game-changing early insights! Get ahead of the next market-dominating trend to capture attention and win customers over by separating the fads from the macro trends and tastes that are here to stay.
- Tap into the latest consumer trends and critical market insights influencing consumer purchasing decisions to create trailblazing products which achieve sky-high sales.
- Trend forecasting for 2023 and beyond! What new trends and innovations can we expect to appear on the horizon, and how can you take advantage of these to produce profitable and long-lasting product innovation?
Lee Boakes, NPD Director, Huel
Mehdi Adjiri, Technical Controller, Graze (Nature Delivered Limited)
Bledi Jahjaga, Head Of Food , Pizza Pilgrims
Florencio Garcia, Principal Chief Executive Officer Europe, Better Balance Foods
Presentation By Exclusive Conference Partner, Centric Software
11.55 Safety, Sustainability, Compliance & Innovation With Centric PLM
Sustainability pushes are causing a stir as they sweep across the globe, and consumers are demanding that corporations not only make real shifts but accurately communicate how their food is sourced and produced. With this environmental push has also come the explosion of plant-based foods and the ongoing trend towards healthy eating and drinking.
How to reconcile these closely related issues: environmental issues, food safety and consumer expectations? This challenge is faced by all players in the value chain and at each stage of product development.
Christian Maurer, Pre-Sales Consultant, Centric Software
Sustainable Packaging | Eco-Authenticity
12.10 Sustainability: Front-Of-Pack Labelling & Beyond
Under the European sustainability strategy, we await mandatory, harmonised sustainability labelling, including a front-of-pack nutrition label. What opportunities does this bring for companies? Can reformulation for more sustainable products be leveraged? And how can we achieve best practice?
Paulig will present their case for using the front-of-pack nutrition label Nutri-Score in their internal goal-setting and transparent communication of status and progress:
- Independent criteria used to define a healthy product enables true impact and a level playing field
- A front-of-pack label achieves transparency and clarity in the communication of ESG status and goals towards consumers, peers, and authorities
- Innovative WoW through sharing transparently the framework for people and planetary health, and sharing the concept data model for automized KPI measures
Karin Jonsson, Sustainability Program Manager, Nutrition & Food Health, Paulig

Presentation By Exclusive Conference Partner, Nextatlas
12.30 Mario Coletti, Managing Director, Nextatlas
Product Development Success | Cutting-Edge
12.45 Disrupt & Dominate A Competitive Market By Capitalising On The Latest Trends & Insights To Deliver Profit-Boosting Product Development & Drive ROI From Concept To Launch
- Spot and respond quickly to gaps in the market to seize new opportunities for trailblazing product development guaranteed to win the hearts (and pockets) of consumers
- Quick wins to drive purchasing power! Maximise market metrics and data insights to refresh your popular product ranges and develop profitable line extensions
- Monetise consumer trends and translate insights into profit-boosting products and pioneering campaigns to skyrocket brand performance and achieve sky-high sales
- Mitigate increasing costs, low yields and supply and resource challenges by responding effectively and continuing to produce budget-friendly yet commercially-viable new product development
Joost Dijkstra, Associate Director Portfolio & Innovation, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners
Lunch For Delegates, Speakers & Partners
Informal Peer-To-Peer Discussions
a) Digitalisation & New Service Models
Oliver Baggaley, Director Digital Strategy & e-Commerce, Ahold Delhaize
b) Meat, Alternatives & Sustainability
Felipe Lima, Strategy Director BU Beef, Vion Food Group
c) The Win-Win Of Data-Led Insights
Debbie Davies, Category Development Controller, Vibrant Foods
Afternoon Co-Chair's Opening Remarks
Peter Amon, CEO, More Than Meals
Consumer Trends & Shopper Behaviours | Fireside Chat
14.15 Dynamic & Trailblazing Product Innovations Inspired By The Latest Consumer Insights, Trends & Shopper Behaviours To Spring-Board New & Refreshed Product Lines To Sales-Boosting Success
- From shopper behaviours and buying habits to flavours and snacking and convenience… get to grips with your consumers’ preferences today to deliver the profit-boosting product innovation success of tomorrow
- Separate fact from fiction! Health check health aspirations, eco-sensibilities and soft intentions into hard purchases to deliver what shoppers really want and need online and in store
- Spotting and acknowledging new trends is one thing, but how can you actually integrate the hottest emerging trends within your business and product portfolio?
- As the cost-of-living increases, strengthen your consumer data insights to decipher which products are viable and where you should focus future product innovation
Daniela Busseni, Category Development Director, Vibrant Foods
Tackle Cost Challenges & Complexity In Food Production | Case Study
14.45 With Increased Energy, Raw Materials, Production & Supply Costs Hitting All Aspects Of Product Development & Innovation, Harness De-Complexity & Refocus Your R&D To Thrive & Survive
- Anticipate where cost hikes and shortages for ingredients and packaging will force innovations and harmonisation in your product lines to mitigate cost increases
- Channel your innovative and technical knowledge to produce products of equal quality at less cost and generate better value for your company and consumers
- From price hikes to key commodities, utilise trends in ingredient replacements to protect your bottom line and refresh your popular products
Dr. Oliver Sperber, Global R&D Director, Carl Kühne KG (GmbH & Co.)
Health, Wellbeing & Clean Label
15.05 Promote & Prioritise Health & Wellbeing To Satisfy Health-Conscious Consumers With Holistic, Nutritious & Profit-Boosting Product Innovation
What are the market and consumer trends in health and what role does nutrition play?
How do we as an industry develop science-backed, clinically proven ingredients that meet consumer’s needs and that are applicable in food and beverages? Discussion of some recent successful examples in this area that are able to combine health ingredients with a superior consumer experience.
Alexandra Boelrijk, Global Senior R&D Director ProActive Health, Kerry
International Tastes & Trends | Global Inspiration
15.25 Tap Into Popular Regional Specialities, Global Trends & International Tastes To Diversify Your Product Portfolios For Maximised Profits
- Harness the ‘buy-local’ passion and nostalgia of strong regional food and drink cultures to boost sales with products that gratify home-grown tastes
- World-wide success! Spot the global trends about to disrupt the market early to keep your product portfolio fresh in an increasingly competitive world and appeal to exotic flavours and palettes
What are the latest global flavours and ingredients inspiring the market today that you should be innovating with next?
Nicci Clark, CEO & Founder, RE:NOURISH
Chocolate Success As A Vehicle For Change
16.15 The Race To 100% Slave-Free Chocolate…
How Tony’s Chocolonely Is Pioneering An Industry Shift Towards Taking Responsibility For Your Value Chain & Driving Product Success To Achieve Change
Ester Van Dusseldorp, Duchess Chocopreme (AKA Country Manager BNLX & Beyond), Tony’s Chocolonely
Snacking & Convenience
16.35 Drive Real Growth In Your On-The-Go, Snacking, Impulse & Convenience Categories To Delight Time-Poor Shoppers In A Highly Competitive Market
- Natural, affordable, healthy, sustainable… get your on-the-go product mix right to keep your on-the-go consumers happy and fulfilled with convenient, nutritious and delicious products
- Break the mould of ‘more packaging, less product’ to produce attention-grabbing snacks and treats which deliver on taste and consumer fulfilment
- With increasing costs pressures, evolving regulations and eco-demands, repackage and reinvigorate your snacks, on-the-go and luxury ranges to achieve profit-boosting success
- As consumer lifestyles continue to adapt and develop, what is the future of snacking and convenience in 2023 and beyond?
Mehdi Adjiri, Technical Controller, Graze (Nature Delivered Limited)
Afternoon Chairs' Closing Remarks & Official Close Of Conference
16.55 Afternoon Co-Chairs’ Closing Remarks & Close Of Conference
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